Play & Learn follows the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidelines when planning our meals and snacks. Menus are posted throughout the center, on our website, and available at the front desk.
Play & Learn serves morning snack at 9:00 a.m., lunch at 11:00 a.m., and afternoon snack at 2:30 p.m.
If your child has food allergies or sensitivities please inform us right away. You will be asked to fill out a food allergy plan to keep on file at the center. We are more than happy to accommodate by making substitutions to meals.
Play & Learn is a nut-free center.

Play & Learn has a key pad entry system for access into the building. Once your child is enrolled, each parent/guardian will get their own unique door code so Play & Learn can monitor who enters the building.
Each child will have their own parent-authorized pick up list. Play & Learn will check IDs before releasing a child to someone on the list. If a person is not on the child’s authorized list, they will not be allowed to pick up.
Process Art
We strongly believe children benefit the most from being introduced to art in a hands-on, open-ended way. Allowing each child to create their own unique pieces of art and focusing on the process rather than the end result is the best way to foster creativity and instill a love of art from a young age!
Outdoor Policy
It is our policy to bring children outdoors to play at least twice per day, weather permitting. Please provide appropriate outdoor clothing (including shoes) so that your child may participate fully.
Messy Play
We highly encourage children’s curiosity through direct exploration of the world, meaning your child WILL get messy at Play & Learn! Please dress your child appropriately and keep a spare set of clothing at the center just in case.